Demaco likes to invite you to our booth no. 6 at the ICEC/ICMC-2016 in Delhi, India.
The purpose of the International Cryogenics Engineering Conference is to bring together everyone from universities and industries, to stimulate the fruitful exchange of information and ideas in cryogenic engineering, to outline actual trends and to discuss present and future developments.
The conference is held every second year in European and Asian countries since the first time at Kyoto in 1967. In recent years, the host country is alternating between European and Asian countries. This year’s conference will be held in Delhi India.
We will be delighted to introduce our company to you and moreover to show you our extended references in projects with Cryogenic Distributions Systems for LHe. We have just passed the last Factory Acceptance Test for the String Connection Boxes of DESY’s XFEL successfully and are proud to be selected by CERN for the supply of the Cryogenic Infrastructure for the liquid Argon based neutrino experiment WA105 installed in the CERN building 182. It includes four cryogenic valve boxes, each equipped for a specific task (Argon purification, Argon condensing, Argon phase separation and Argon/Nitrogen distribution), and thirteen cryogenic transfer lines distributing liquid Argon and liquid Nitrogen between cryogenic storage vessels, the valve boxes, and the liquid Argon cryostat.
On 08-03-2016 at 11:45-13:15 (Place : 8-O-1A Large Scale Cryogenics ), our Ir. Rossi Mendez, PDEng will have an oral presentation about the results of our “Conceptual Design Study of the FAIR SIS 100 Transfer Lines” for the FAIR project at GSI Darmstadt (Germany).
Looking forward to meeting you in Delhi!