Precision Fair 2019

It’s all about Cryogenius.

Precision Fair 2019

The world is changing fast. Production processes and machines must work faster and more efficiently. Trends such as miniaturization are continuously developing. Therefore, the demands on systems and components are rising. At the Precision Fair, you will find all the knowledge needed to design, produce and assemble at the highest level and according to the highest quality requirements. Demaco Vacuum Technology is happy to welcome you for a coffee or so at booth No. 175 at NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Veldhoven (NL)

For over 19 years, the Precision Fair has been the annual meeting point for precision technology

The upcoming 2019 edition of the Precision Fair on November 13 and 14 pays extra attention to business opportunities for the precision engineering industry. During the Big Science congress program, you will discover everything you need to know about the national science agenda. Here, all national and European projects where government investments and interesting tenders can be expected will pitch themselves. Furthermore, the Precision Fair will also place other growth markets such as (aero) space and precision technology in healthcare in the spotlight.

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