The 8th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations (Cryo-Ops 2018) is a conference that rotates every two years between Asia/Oceania, Europe, and the Americas. The Workshop provides a periodic forum for research laboratories and industry to present and discuss current technological advancements, operability and maintenance experience of large cryogenic systems. This time the Cryo-Ops will be held in IHEP, CAS, Beijing, China from June 4 to 7, 2018. Demaco has submitted an abstract “Overcoming challenges while building cryogenic infrastructure”. Ronald Dekker (Director) and Rossi Mendez (Sales Manager) will attend the conference and look forward to meeting you there! It’s all about Cryogenius.
Workshop on Cryogenics Operations
It’s all about Cryogenius.
Workshop on Cryogenics Operations
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