At the “Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron” (DESY), a renowned research institute in Germany, a new linear particle accelerator called X-FEL was taken into operation. Particle accelerators make use of big magnets and or cryomodules, which are made and held superconducting by liquid Helium. Electromagnetic fields accelerate the electrons in superconducting resonators. Demaco won the DESY’s call for tender (CFT) based on DEMACO’S proven quality track record, delivery time and technical-economical solution offered for this project.
The X-FEL project consisted in the design, manufacturing, testing and installation of feed caps, end caps, string connection boxes, and multiple helium transfer lines ,which are characterized by a double thermal shield, vacuum barriers, and a very complex layout with limited space for installation works. It was the very first time that Demaco was involved in the development of components with beam line integration.